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Placa Monokey Givi E251

Placa universal MONOKEY® completa con kit de fijación para el uso de topcase en motos y scooters ya equipados con

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Precio orignal: € 55,50

Precio: € 44,20


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Placa universal MONOKEY® completa con kit de fijación para el uso de topcase en motos y scooters ya equipados con portaequipajes. Está aplicado sobre el portaequipajes original.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto E251
ID 309


Last monokey mounting plate you will needValorado por
These mounting plates are very easy to adapt to any motorcycle. I use 3 of these mounting plates for attaching my Givi E55 as a top case and for attaching my two E22 side cases. It is a high quality part. (Escrito el 29/9/2015)
Great for custom top box mountsValorado por
Have used these several times to build custom mounts for my Givi V47 topbox where no standard fitting solution exists, including one screwed to the pillion seat of a sports bike. Good quality and strong mounting plate. (Escrito el 14/2/2016)
Universal plate that fits most racksValorado por
This plate is suitable for many racks as it is universal. It can be reused even i changed my bike without having to purchase another set. A must consider plate to buy for monokey boxes. Good quality & great buy. Quick delivery by Motostorm. (Escrito el 14/7/2016)
Givi E251 universal mounting plateValorado por
I purchased this item along with a Givi V56 case/S150 luggage rack and E111 backrest pad. Took only seven days from order > delivery to Wisconsin USA. Arrived in perfect condition. Wonderful transaction! (Escrito el 27/9/2017)
Great PriceValorado por
Purchased to install an E36 on a new bike with a rear rack from the factory. This fits the oem rack on the Versys 300 perfectly as it lines up with the pre drilled holes for the oem monolock plate. Received quickly, great service. (Escrito el 14/6/2018)
This plate works great with the 56L Givi BoxValorado por
My brother has this plate and it's been working well for years. He has it on a givi rack and a 56L givi box. It's probably better than the metal ones. Less weight, better at flexing. He actually bought it from the store. (Escrito el 03/7/2020)
Works GreatValorado por
This mounting bracket works well with the Monokey luggage. Lots of mounting options are available to ensure it can mount on any luggage rack. Installation was easy and with the luggage locked in it would be difficult or impossible to remove, keeping the luggage safe. (Escrito el 10/2/2021)
Givi DLM30AValorado por
Received the unit within 3 1/2 days, very fast delivery. Excellent product for sure, alumi is much better than Plastic. Very easy to install, just wish they would supply 3 keys instead 2 keys. 73, JR2FJI (Escrito el 22/2/2021)
Back box mountValorado por
This has to be the easiest mount to work with. It should fit almost any rack. Shipping from Italy was amazing only one week to FL. With this mount I can use any monokey box. This works out well for me owning multiple bikes. I can use the proper size box for what I am doing this day. Great product (Escrito el 16/6/2021)
Great Universal RackValorado por
I've used these racks for vintage Honda Super Cubs as well as modern V-Stroms. They work great and with a bit of effort, can be mounted in many places. I much prefer these to the lower end monolock style luggage and it allows all your standard monokey luggage to be reused on multiple bikes. (Escrito el 09/7/2021)
universalValorado por
Great product. Have used it on several different bikes easy to remove and refit You can use the monolock box that suits your needs on any particular time. City use small box trips away change to a bigger one. Damien (Escrito el 23/10/2021)
Work greatValorado por
My brother has this plate and it's been working well for years. He is very satisfy with this plate. It fits perfect and it‘s very easy to install. High Quality. Great Product. It should fit almost any rack. Leandro (Escrito el 23/8/2022)
Great ProductValorado por
Purchased and worked perfectly for what I needed it to. I’m not the handiest person but I was able to install this on my own. Has worked for several months now, I have no complaints on this product. Great company. (Escrito el 13/4/2023)
GreatValorado por
Overall Great product. Have used it on several different bikes easy to remove and refit You can use the monolock box that suits your needs on any particular time. Purchased and worked perfectly for what I needed it to. I’m not the handiest person but I was able to install this on my own (Escrito el 20/4/2023)
Parfait Valorado por
Vraiment ce que j’attendais ! Merci je recommande a tout le monde d’acheter cet article, vous n’allez jamais le regretter ! Livraison rapide et service après vente au top ! N’hésitez plus et foncer !!! (Escrito el 28/5/2023)
Good buy Valorado por
This website is awesome and I love the products . . Please take the time to look through the awesome website to find any product that’s much shit your needs you will not be disappointed………………………………………. awesome (Escrito el 08/6/2023)
クロスカブJA60に取り付けられますValorado por
クロスカブ110(JA60)に取り付けることができました。標準の荷台につける場合は付属のW型の金具がギリギリかかるかかからないかになってしまうので、別途ホームセンターでステー金具のようなものを買った方がいいかもしれません。 I successfully placed this to Honda Cross-cub 110 (JA60). You may better to buy some stay plate to install, as W-shape stay included in the package is little bit short though applicable. (Escrito el 27/7/2023)
good productValorado por
ideal para tu moto ya que dispone de muy buenos materias y calidad excepcional para su uso dia a día. el envio y entrega son muy rapidos y el servicio de atención siempre dipuesto a ayudar en lo que haga falta (Escrito el 25/11/2023)
Sehr gutValorado por
Bewertung: Hochwertiges Schrauben-Kit für vielseitige Anwendungen Ich habe das Schrauben-Kit kürzlich erworben und bin äußerst zufrieden mit seinem Leistungsumfang und der Qualität der enthaltenen Teile. Dieses Kit ist eine wahre Bereicherung für jeden Hobbyhandwerker oder Profi, der hochwertige Schrauben benötigt. Zunächst beeindruckte mich die umfangreiche Auswahl an Schrauben in verschiedenen Größen und Typen. Ob es sich um Holz-, Metall- oder Maschinenschrauben handelt, dieses Kit hat für jede Anwendung das passende dabei. Die Schrauben sind präzise gefertigt und von ausgezeichneter Qualität, was sich in ihrer Haltbarkeit und Festigkeit zeigt. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die übersichtliche Organisation des Kits. Jede Schraubensorte ist in separaten Fächern oder Behältern untergebracht, was das Auffinden und Sortieren der benötigten Teile erleichtert. Dadurch spart man Zeit und kann sich voll und ganz auf seine Projekte konzentrieren. Die mitgelieferten Werkzeuge wie Schraubendreher oder Schraubenschlüssel ergänzen das Set perfekt und ermöglichen eine einfache und präzise Handhabung der Schrauben. Alles in allem kann ich dieses Schrauben-Kit uneingeschränkt empfehlen. Es ist von herausragender Qualität, vielseitig einsetzbar und bietet ein ausgezeichnetes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Wer auf der Suche nach einem zuverlässigen und umfangreichen Schrauben-Set ist, wird mit diesem Produkt sicherlich voll und ganz zufrieden sein. (Escrito el 09/3/2024)
Great productValorado por
Super product! Great service. Looking good! Good quality. Reccomended for all. Im really happy with that product. This website is awesome and I love the products . . Please take the time to look through the awesome website to find any product. (Escrito el 20/5/2024)
Awesome ProductValorado por
Works great, Looks really sleek and i love the design. Overall i would recommend this to you! This website is awesome and I love the products . . Please take the time to look through the awesome website to find any product that’s much shit your needs you will not be disappointed (Escrito el 03/7/2024)
Perfect device to mount Givi top-caseValorado por
E251 MONOKEY PLATE UNIVERSAL is just awesome for mounting Givi monokey top-cases to a motorcycle with a behind the seat rack. Givi has a large assortment of top-cases for motorcycles. This plate is strong and makes installing a top-case a simple task. (Escrito el 19/3/2025)

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