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Givi Pl1111

Specific pannier holder for MONOKEY® side cases. It can be mounted without the specific rear rack 1111FZ using the 1111KIT.
Este producto puede ser utilizado con las seguiente/s moto:
HONDA NC 700 S (2012-2013) Màs productos para esta moto
HONDA NC 700 X (2012-2013) Màs productos para esta moto
HONDA NC 750 X (2014-2015) Màs productos para esta moto
HONDA NC 750 S (2014-2015) Màs productos para esta moto

Expedición en 5 días

Precio orignal: € 184,00

Precio: € 150,40


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Devoluciones gratis desde España.


Specific pannier holder for MONOKEY® side cases. It can be mounted without the specific rear rack 1111FZ using the 1111KIT.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GIVI-PL1111
ID 4583
Color Black


Gets the job doneValorado por
Nothing flashy about these, but they're sturdy and have held up well over the few seasons I've had them. I use these with a set of Givi E22N's and they have a nice reassuring SNAP when they attach. Just keep in mind that you'll need the Givi111Kit to complete the install if you're not planning on using a top rack. I brushed over the fine print here and realized I didn't have all the parts when I went to put it all together the first time :) Originally I was considering the SW-MOTECH Quick-Lock EVO Sidecarriers, since they can be customized to hold a wider range of cases from different manufacturers. However, in the end the $300 price take didn't seem to justify these features. (Escrito el 31/5/2016)
Simple construction and easy installationValorado por
It's a very simple construction and easy installation for the Givi Trekker Monokey system. Installing these takes about 30 minutes max. One important thing to be aware is that this system is not compatible with the Honda topcase system. So if you already have a topcase from Honda, Honda's topcase rack doesn't fit with Givi side panniers system. (Escrito el 03/8/2017)
Great pannier rackValorado por
The rack was easy to install on my 2012 NC700X. I used the L brackets and the rack is secure, no rattles. AAA+++. I would highly recommend the use of this rack with the Givi 22N's I purchased from moto. (Escrito el 14/4/2019)
Excellent for NC700X 2015(USA)Valorado por
Fitted perfectly on my NC700X in combination with rear rack 1111FZ. using Givi Trekker 33 as the top case. excellent addition to the bike. Found the cheapest price here even with shipping and handling. (Escrito el 25/10/2019)

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