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Portaequipajes lateral Givi PL1161CAM para maletas MONOKEY CAM-SIDE Trekker Outback

Portaequipajes lateral específico para maletas MONOKEY® CAM-SIDE Trekker Outback es posible montarlo sin la conexión trasera SR1162 comprando el tubo 1161KIT [ver más]
Este producto puede ser utilizado con las seguiente/s moto:
HONDA CRF1000L Africa Twin (2016-2017) Màs productos para esta moto
HONDA CRF1000L Africa Twin Adventure Sports (2018-2019) Màs productos para esta moto

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Precio orignal: € 296,00

Precio: € 232,00


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Portaequipajes lateral específico para maletas MONOKEY® CAM-SIDE Trekker Outback
es posible montarlo sin la conexión trasera SR1162 comprando el tubo 1161KIT / 18 mm de diámetro.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto PL1161CAM
ID 10316
Color Black


Perfect FitValorado por
This rack fit my Africa Twin Adventure Sports absolutely perfect. All of the holes lined up concentric making installation a breeze. Installing the top box mount that is required for this rack was another story, for another review. The look of this rack is also quite good. It does not come on and off quickly like some racks, but that's ok because I like the look of it on the bike. It also acts as crash protection for the subframe. I only have the top box at the moment so I can't say how much I like the mounting of the luggage itself, but from the look of everything Givi is keeping it tight and I have no concerns, I think it will be smooth and easy. I am looking forward to getting this kitted out with the full suite of accessories, including the tool box that mounts inside the rack on the left side, which is a very great option from Givi. (Escrito el 01/5/2019)

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