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Portaequipajes trasero Givi SRA8400

Portaequipajes trasero específico, negro, en aluminio anodizado para baúl MONOKEY® carga máxima permitida 6 kg / no permite el montaje del [ver más]
Este producto puede ser utilizado con las seguiente/s moto:
HARLEY DAVIDSON Pan America 1250 (2020-2024) Màs productos para esta moto

Expedición en 5 días

Precio orignal: € 221,00

Precio: € 187,80


Puedes devolver el producto entro 30 dìas.

Devoluciones gratis desde España.


Portaequipajes trasero específico, negro, en aluminio anodizado para baúl MONOKEY®
carga máxima permitida 6 kg / no permite el montaje del kit de luz de freno o el dispositivo de control remoto en el baúl.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GIVI-SRA8400
ID 8445
Color Black


GIVI SRA8400 ReviewValorado por
Looks absolutely amazing. Connects in minutes. Perfect fit for the Harley-Davidson Pan America Special. This permits the connection of the OBKN58BA 58LTR OUTBACK TOP CASE BLACK. Be the first to mount all your GIVI panniers with original GIVI brackets and install effortlessly without the frustration of the parts made by H-D that are known not to fit well without all the issues people are mentioning on YouTube. Be the first to have these are they were recently manufactured. Amazing products. (Escrito el 18/9/2021)
AmazingValorado por
Love HD pan amaeriva need this. Allows outback cases to fit. Great quality. Amazing fit and finish. Givi is great a. Always fit great and flush. (Escrito el 03/10/2021)
Piastra bauletto Kappa Valorado por
Finalmente dopo aver girato tutti i negozi ho trovato quello che cercavo si tratta della piastra supporto in alluminio della Givi o Kappa necessaria al fissare il bauletto posteriore alla moto i prezzi dai vari negozianti ben più alti e i tempi di consegna ben più lunghi , per cui ottimo servizio di Motostrom che consegna in ventiquattro ore. Altra cosa per il momento interessante è la possibilità del pagamento tramite contrassegno che mette al riparo da possibili frodi dando maggior sicurezza (Escrito el 20/10/2021)
????superValorado por
Tento držák k motocyklu Harley je pěkný,a velice kvalitně provedeny. Je možné ho osadit velkým výběrem horních kufru dle vlastního vyberu. Při jízdě se zdá byt pevný a silný tak nehrozí jeho náhodné odpadnutí. . . . (Escrito el 09/11/2021)
Доволен 100%Valorado por
По уму сделано - в отличие от оригинальной площидки ХД под их же кофр тут ничего не надо сверлить. 4 точки крепления к хвосту, ставится за 5 минут. Подходит под установку любого кофра Гиви - хоть Треккер, хоть Аутбек. Мой ТРК 42 встал прекрасно. (Escrito el 24/11/2021)
porte bagage givi pan americaValorado por
Livraison rapide et conforme à la description. Le système se pose très facilement, et s'adapte au top case Givi trekker outback 42 LT et aussi au top case trk52B Belle finition Je recommande ce produit (Escrito el 25/3/2022)
Excellent Service/Fast ShippingValorado por
Ordered this product on October 11, 2022, and it was at my house in Florida 8 Days later on October 19, 2022. The product was model specific for my Pan America Harley Davidson! Saved a lot of money using motostorm and the shipping was just as fast if not faster than purchasing in the US. Highly recommend! (Escrito el 20/10/2022)
Excellent Service/Fast ShippingValorado por
Ordered this product on October 11, 2022, and it was at my house in Florida 8 Days later on October 19, 2022. The product was model specific for my Pan America Harley Davidson! Saved a lot of money using motostorm and the shipping was just as fast if not faster than purchasing in the US. Highly recommend! (Escrito el 20/10/2022)
Givi SRA8400 rear rack for Pan Am Valorado por
Easy to mount, quality product. It took me approximately 1 hour to install. Robust rack that looks and functions perfect with my Givi top case. I received it in USA within 7 days from the time I ordered it. If you own a HD Pan America, this is the best way to go. (Escrito el 29/12/2022)
Solid product, easy to installValorado por
I purchased this for a HD Pan America. Directions are very clear, the parts are solid and well built. Installation was under an hour. As good as the HD version at a fraction of the price. Shipped to USA in under two weeks. Givi is available from US retailers but was much cheaper, even with shipping, from Motostorm. (Escrito el 03/10/2023)

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