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Bolsa interior impermeable para Trekker Outback 42 lt. Se puede utilizar en la tapa del baúl o como alforja, fijándolo [ver más]

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Precio: € 59,60


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Bolsa interior impermeable para Trekker Outback 42 lt. Se puede utilizar en la tapa del baúl o como alforja, fijándolo con correas elásticas estándar o Trekker Straps S350 opcional.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GIVI-T511
ID 509


strong & practicalValorado por
Strong waterproof material, I would be happy to use this inside top box or strapped to (bungees included) top box/pillion seat in all weather's, even has a valve to remove air from bag.. it's sealed that well.. comes with shoulder carry strap.. it might not be the best looking Givi top box bag available but worth it for the duel use.. (Escrito el 08/11/2015)
Carry Your Luggage Into The HotelValorado por
I bought this liner bag so that we wouldn't have to take the top box off of the bike when we arrived at a destination. I was pleased to find that it came with two bungie cords so you could attach it on top of the box for even more storage. The bag comes with a well designed shoulder strap. And there is an air valve so that after loading and closure you can remove excess air and compress the bag. I very pleased that I bought this in addition to the top box. (Escrito el 28/2/2016)
Very practicalValorado por
With him I no longer need to carry an extra bag to carry clothes and my personal belongings when traveling . I arrive at my destination , I take the bag and follow where I want . More freedom and very practical. (Escrito el 18/3/2016)
this bag rocksValorado por
it is a great bag, it can be used as three different functions, dry bag, shoulder bag and can be mounted down outside the case also. it is water proof and has a roll down top, make sure to get three full rolls of the top to have 100 percent waterproofness (Escrito el 09/3/2017)
Strong allyValorado por
Honda CB500X is sold as 400X in Japan. I can equip everything for CB500X, so I bought it here. The waterproof inner bag for the Trekker Outback 42 lt is used by placing it on top of the top case and fixing it with the attached elastic strap. Effective for long touring in addition to full pania. I think it is ideal for camping touring from autumn. (Escrito el 19/9/2020)

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