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Revestimiento interior Givi E201 OBKN58

Revestimiento interior para la parte inferior y la tapa de OBKN58 Trekker Outback.

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Precio orignal: € 34,50

Precio: € 29,30


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Revestimiento interior para la parte inferior y la tapa de OBKN58 Trekker Outback.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GIVI-E201
ID 14935
Color Black


Affordable, good qualityValorado por
Thick enough to protect your bag or helmet. It should be standard, but price is not too high. Quality is very good. This product perfectly fit to OBKN58. I recommend this product for every one who buy OBKN58. (Escrito el 26/10/2020)
E201Valorado por
KFR580Aのインナーライナーとして購入。 ケース素材が無地アルミの為、内外装及び、収納物に汚れや傷つきやすい為購入。 専用品だけあり、丁度よく収まりました。 同社のE161も併用できます。 Purchased as an inner liner for KFR580A. I bought it because the case material is plain aluminum, which is prone to stains and scratches on the interior and exterior as well as on the stored items. The case fits perfectly. It can also be used with the company's E161. (Escrito el 14/6/2021)
Super SympaValorado por
Cette doublure est vraiment pratique pour rajouter une petite protection à l'intérieur du top Case. Rajoute un look plus esthétique à l'intérieur et plus doux lorsqu'on dépose des objets un peu plus fragile à l'intérieur! (Escrito el 28/6/2024)

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