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Givi Lucchetto A Cavo Per Borse Con Chiusura A Combinazione

Givi Lucchetto A Cavo Per Borse Con Chiusura A Combinazione

Cable Lock for soft bags, with combination lock. The soft bags, as opposed to the hard cases, do not [ver más]

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Precio orignal: € 10,50

Precio: € 10,00


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Cable Lock for soft bags, with combination lock. The soft bags, as opposed to the hard cases, do not have a key lock. For this reason it is good to remove them from the bike when you arrive at your destination. To avoid remove them even during short stops just provide them the S221 padlock, which prevents opening of the zipper by means of the locking sliders and at the same time constraining the bag to the handlebars or to the rack of the bike.

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