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Baule Kappa K Force KFR580A aluminio

Baúl MONOKEY® 58 lt, aluminio natural. Dimensiones: 32,3 cm x 45,4 cm x 55,5 cm. Capacidad de 58 litros. Peso

Expedición en 5 días

Precio orignal: € 500,50

Precio: € 400,40


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Baúl MONOKEY® 58 lt, aluminio natural. Dimensiones: 32,3 cm x 45,4 cm x 55,5 cm. Capacidad de 58 litros. Peso máximo de 10 kg. Contiene dos cascos modulares.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto KAPPA-KFR580A
ID 8317
Color Grey


Big Case, Solid BuildValorado por
Purchased for holding our helmets when out with my wife on the GS. She enjoys the added backrest pads. Mounting to the GS with the specified mount was not difficult and the case seems very secure. (Escrito el 23/11/2020)
良い商品です。Valorado por
obkn58aとほぼ同等品です。前後のバーが樹脂製なのが差異であるといえます。 使い勝手は、大容量かつ、無駄のない形状の為積載性に大変優れています。 アルミが未加工の為、傷がつきやすく、本体と積載物に汚れが付きやすいのは注意が必要です。 It is almost the same product as obkn58a. The difference is that the front and rear bars are made of plastic. It is easy to use, with a large capacity and a lean shape that makes it very easy to load. It should be noted that since the aluminum is unprocessed, it is easily scratched and the body and the load can easily get dirty. (Escrito el 14/6/2021)

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