Promoción de primavera

Espejo derecho Rizoma Namic negro

Espejo derecho homologado. Aprobación europea. Vidrio consumible y deslumbrante. Material de aluminio hecho del relleno. Procesamiento 3D, disponible en diferentes colores. Los adaptadores [ver más]

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€ 275,00

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Espejo derecho homologado.
Aprobación europea.
Vidrio consumible y deslumbrante. Material de aluminio hecho del relleno. Procesamiento 3D, disponible en diferentes colores.
Los adaptadores de espejo se venden por separado.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto BS323B
ID 24867
Color Black


RecommendedValorado por
I attached it to the S1000RR. It was difficult to adjust the position to look behind with this mirror. However, the quality and fitting of the product is excellent and I am glad I bought it. With a genuine mirror, you cannot see the back due to vibration, but this mirror has no problem. It's a little expensive, but I think it has high quality and coolness at a reasonable price. (Escrito el 16/11/2020)
very high qualityValorado por
This product is a very high quality mirror. I attached it to her S1000RR. On this bike, the length of the mirror arm was short and I could only see my own arm. However, it's so cool that there is no problem. (Escrito el 04/1/2021)
nice mirrorValorado por
overall an extremely good looking mirror and craftsmanship is as good as you might expect from rizoma. One of the first supersport mirrorws that look better than the most OEM stock mirrors. purchased for my 2007 fireblade (Escrito el 29/8/2021)

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