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Oxford Compact 10 Multi Tool

Incluye llaves hexagonales de 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 8 mm, t25 Torx, cabeza plana 5.5 y cruceta [ver más]

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Precio orignal: € 21,90

Precio: € 19,90


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Incluye llaves hexagonales de 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 y 8 mm, t25 Torx, cabeza plana 5.5 y cruceta No.2. Tamaño compacto para una fácil estiba. Material: cuerpo de aluminio 6061 de precisión, herramientas de cromo vanadio endurecido.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto C800452
ID 314


Great tool for bikes, and bikes!Valorado por
I keep one of these in my motorcycle toolkit and my bicycle toolkit. Great tool to have on hand when you (or your riding buddy) need to tighten a headlight bracket or a handlebar clamp on a road bicycle. (Escrito el 31/7/2020)
Good quality Valorado por
Good quality product. I recommend to have one on every motorcycle trip. It may be needed to repair your bike, assemble furniture or something else. Handly, simply, small all in one tool. I've got one :-) (Escrito el 01/5/2022)
great tool Valorado por
awesome product , must have tool, easily kept onboard the bike or on your person when your in the middle of nowhere or just caught out like me the other week on the highway at 2 in the morning. very thank full. (Escrito el 16/6/2022)

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