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GIVI 333DT BMW F650 GS-F800 GS

Cúpula específica transparente 44 x 46 cm (Al x An) para combinar con el kit de montaje específico D333KIT / [ver más]
Este producto puede ser utilizado con las seguiente/s moto:
BMW F650 GS (2008-2016) Màs productos para esta moto
BMW F800 GS (2013-2016) Màs productos para esta moto

Expedición en 5 días

€ 102,50

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Cúpula específica transparente 44 x 46 cm (Al x An) para combinar con el kit de montaje específico D333KIT / solo para F 650 GS / F 800 GS
- 26 cm más alta que la F650GS original
- 22 cm más alta que la F800GS original

Màs Información

Codigo Producto 333DT
ID 289


ConfortableValorado por
Great screen if you’re tall and find the original one too small. Confort greatly improved on long distances. Can’t comment on the resistance to scratches as I have not used it long enough to be able to judge. I would keep the original one in case you decide to go for a trip off-roads and it is very easy to take out and put back. I checked many windscreens before making a choice and I guess this one is perfect for the use I make of it. Apres, il faht ecrure beaucoup avant d’arriver a poster une review et je dois avouer que c’est assez fatiguant. . . (Escrito el 20/4/2021)
Comfortable at speedValorado por
I originally received this as a gift and neglected putting it on my bike for quite some time as I didn't find the wind terribly bothersome with the stock screen. I decided to give it a shot and was pleasantly surprised by the difference it made in overall noise and fatigue after longer highway rides. It looks like it would be a factory accessory and blends in well on the bike without having an overbearing look to it. My only complaint is that it does seem to scratch a bit more easily than the stock screen, but not to the point of impairment or creating any sort of structural issue. Swapping back to the stock screen for off-road riding is quick and painless, but I generally run this screen about 90% of the time due to the additional comfort. (Escrito el 28/11/2019)
Deflects wind great.Valorado por
This is a very good windshield for those of you who are too tall for the default windscreen. This is actually so good that my glasses fog up a bit if I don't open helmet vents. Product was extremely easy to install but the fittings in my old F650 GS Twin were in such shape that I used Loctite to make it sturdier. In a newer bike this probably won't be as much of an issue Scratches easily compared to the stock windshield like the reviewer above me wrote. (Escrito el 03/2/2021)
Perfect protectorValorado por
my review is on the great price i looked for that wind protector after hearing great things i founs this site amazing easy to find exactly what i needed and great price for great product, i whould reccomended any one that need more wind protection get this one (Escrito el 23/12/2021)

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