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Lightech Ftrbm002 Adjustable Rear Sets With Fixed Footpeg

The footrests with fold up LighTech fixed, represent the choice of the majority of those who choose an adjustable footrest. [ver más]
Este producto puede ser utilizado con las seguiente/s moto:
BMW S1000 RR (2012-2013) Màs productos para esta moto
BMW S1000 RR (2009-2011) Màs productos para esta moto
BMW S1000 RR (2014) Màs productos para esta moto

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Precio orignal: € 603,90

Precio: € 543,50

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The footrests with fold up Lightech fixed, represent the choice of the majority of those who choose an adjustable footrest. However, if you want, you can replace those with folding footrest fixed at a later date, purchasing them separately, as they are perfectly interchangeable.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto FTRBM002
ID 7771


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