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Pantalla universal con manillar de 2 puntos, ahumado 42,5 x 42 cm (alto x ancho)

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Precio orignal: € 113,00

Precio: € 96,00


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Pantalla universal con manillar de 2 puntos, ahumado 42,5 x 42 cm (alto x ancho)

Màs Información

Codigo Producto A660
ID 2275


Pretty good universal WindscreenValorado por
Great looking wind screen. Nice finish and mounting hardware. multiple options for the mounting arms. Need to find the right position on the handlebar to keep the screen stable during riding. Any other type of street riding, it should be good to go. (Escrito el 27/4/2017)
The wind hits the head.Valorado por
I am using this product with Kawasaki W650. The wind does not hit the body and it is comfortable. However, the height of the screen is a little short. The wind comes in front of the helmet. The wind noise of the helmet I used has increased. (Escrito el 02/6/2019)
Paragrezza GIVIValorado por
Parabrezza GIVI. Montato sulla mia Honda Shadow 750 custom, fa egregiamente il suo lavoro. Installazione semplice. Lo consiglio vivamente a chi come me cerca un eccellente risultato. Lho consigliato. (Escrito el 23/9/2021)

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