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Bidón homologado de 2.5 litros apto para el transporte de combustible, agua o aceite.

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Precio orignal: € 18,00

Precio: € 17,50


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Bidón homologado de 2.5 litros apto para el transporte de combustible, agua o aceite.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GIVI-TAN01
ID 7252


Givi 2.5 Jerry CanValorado por
Multi-purpose jerry can which can contain various liquids such as fuel, water or oil and in a sufficient quantity for a quick refill until the next available petrol station, pitstop, hotel, or any accomodation you fancy ! Of course never use the same jerry can for different liquids! Therefore, a sticker or a marking will help differentiate and prevent you from drinking fuel/oil on the hottest summer day or put water or oil in your fuel tank and toast your engine ! (Escrito el 01/3/2016)
Great ideaValorado por
This is a great way to carry fuel on your Outback series side bags. I was planning on carrying small bottles but this is method allows me to carry more fuel, safer! The bracket does require drilling into the side bag which is scary but all in all, it works. Givi is a great product and has a large selection of products (Escrito el 28/3/2017)
Tanica GIVI 2.5 litriValorado por
Piccola e comoda tanica d'emergenza per affrontare con un pò più di serenità tratti alpini o desertici dove si potrebbe necessitare di qualche km di autonomia in più. Facilmente inseribile nelle borse o borsoni della moto oppure agganciandola con i relativi kit di fissaggio , forniti a parte , esternamente alle valigie laterali. (Escrito el 28/12/2019)
Good SizeValorado por
Backup supply when touring as sometimes you just can't be too sure how far the next fuel stop is, this small genuine fuel carrier is just what you need in a time of crises. Remembering to fill it of course. (Escrito el 19/11/2017)
Good cans for emergency Valorado por
These are the right cans to carry if you are on a long trip and to have extra fuel or water, they are safe and ergonomically nice looking especially when used with givi stainless steel holder that match perfectly their panniers and hold them tightly. (Escrito el 27/8/2020)
easy to carryValorado por
Very textured, easy to carry, easy to store Multi-purpose jerry can which can contain various liquids such as fuel, water or oil and in a sufficient quantity for a quick refill until the next available petrol station, pitstop, hotel, or any accomodation you fancy ! Of course never use the same jerry can for different liquids! Therefore, a sticker or a marking will help differentiate and prevent you from drinking fuel/oil on the hottest summer day or put water or oil in your fuel tank and toast your engine ! (Escrito el 13/5/2022)
LifesaverValorado por
Bought a pair of these which attached easily to my Outback cases. Came in real handy on a backcountry trip when I was running really low. No leaking issues or vapors when riding if sealed properly and attached via the bracket. (Escrito el 11/2/2023)
GIVI TAN01Valorado por
Perfect fuel storage bottle 2. 5l excellent enough to get you an extra few km if needed also can be used a a water carrier if travelling on a long journey this is the ideal piece of equipment again from givi (Escrito el 22/5/2023)

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