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Spoiler AGV Pista GP RR Pro negro

Alerón para Agv Pista GP RR y Pista GP R, tornillos de plástico incluidos, disponible en diferentes colores.

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€ 103,00
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Alerón para Agv Pista GP RR y Pista GP R, tornillos de plástico incluidos, disponible en diferentes colores.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto AG-KIT60244-003
ID 23745
Color Black


OttimoValorado por
Ottimo prodotto, questo spoiler permette di trasformare un pista gp r in un pista gp rr. La sostituzione dello spoiler permette di passare da un coefficiente aerodinamico cx 0,56 a un coefficiente di appena 0,32. (Escrito el 01/3/2020)
Very easy replacable, great effectValorado por
After one of my crashes with my AGV Pista RR helmet, only the spoiler was damaged. I bought a new one and it was very easy replacable. I went with my helmet to the technical inspection on track afterwards and since the helmet was not scratched at all, it was still allowed to wear on track. It seems that the spoiler could save you a new helmet. It seems like it can take some of the helmet and it is way more cheap to replace the spoiler in minutes (which was easy with three (not so small) screws). I could even advise to buy one as a spare. Without the spoiler you feel more wind effect on your head on high speed (200+) so it does really have an effect. It is not that you cannot use the helmet without the spoiler, so you can continue if the helmet is checked, but the effect is real. (Escrito el 17/2/2023)

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