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Pico Airoh Twist 2 Replica Cairoli 2020

Visera para cascos Airoh Twist 2, disponible en todos los colores.

En stock - Envío en 24 horas

Precio orignal: € 57,95

Precio: € 52,10


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Devoluciones gratis desde España.


Visera para cascos Airoh Twist 2, disponible en todos los colores.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto TW2RC31F
ID 19946
Color Yellow


fast and lightValorado por
have this for 2 months and its been great, weight is lighter and have a good snug at cheek. i compared the weight of my MT and FOX V1 weight, the weight is twice of the airoh twist. maybe the reason why i hurt my neck during trails. (Escrito el 14/11/2022)
Comfortable and lightValorado por
I realy like airoh helmets specialy airoh twist 2. 0 cairoli 2020 replica its nice and comfortable. Iam using this helmet almost one year and i still like it (Escrito el 02/12/2024)

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