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Visera Bell Panovision ahumado claro

Visera Bell para cascos que utilizan la visera PanoVision, como Bell Race Star, Bell Pro Star, Bell Star 2016+ y

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Precio orignal: € 79,99

Precio: € 68,00


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Visera Bell para cascos que utilizan la visera PanoVision, como Bell Race Star, Bell Pro Star, Bell Star 2016+ y Bell SRT.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto BE-7072353
ID 18948
Color Black


Dark visorValorado por
Dark visor is a great way to make a helmet look good plus it removes glare from the sun. You have to carry a clear visor when you leave the city lights outside of dusk-dawn. It is also optically correct and compared to the iridium variants there's no coating to make noticeable scratches in. (Escrito el 05/3/2020)
Dark visorValorado por
Dark visor makes a helmet look great plus keeps the sun from straining your eyes. It's illegal to use it after dark, since you can't see anything. Dark smoke type of a visor is more resistant to scratches compared to Iridium variants - those have a coating that scratches easily. (Escrito el 11/3/2020)
Very good visorValorado por
Very nice visor. Works perfect in the sun. A bit dark at night. Makes the hemlet look great and is perfect with pinlock. Good to have a clear or light smoke at night to switch to if you want. Would recommend this for trackdays allso. (Escrito el 29/1/2021)
Visiera casco Bell fumè chiaroValorado por
Prodotto di altissima qualità come del resto tutti i prodotti Bell, è una alternativa ideale alla visiera di serie trasparente per quelle situazioni dove una maggiore protezione dal sole rende la guida più sicura e piacevole. Può essere montata sia sui modelli della serie Star, sia su quelli della serie Srt. Si sostituisce in attimo, grazie al pratico attacco Bell senza l'utilizzo di nessun attrezzo o chiave. Una visiera a 5 stelle. Consigliatissima. (Escrito el 14/4/2021)
Good visorValorado por
Very good visor for sunny days. Wouldn't change it back to old normal one. Makes helmet look way better than with clear one. Delivery was fast and there was no problems at all. Maybe bit dark if you drive at dark (Escrito el 15/4/2021)

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