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Pinlock Schuberth 120 50-59 C3/C3 Pro/E1

Lente Pinlock anti-vaho versión 120 para cascos Schuberth C3, C3 PRO, E1, S2. Disponible en dos tamaños diferentes: 50-59, 60-65.

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€ 39,99

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Lente Pinlock anti-vaho versión 120 para cascos Schuberth C3, C3 PRO, E1, S2.
Disponible en dos tamaños diferentes: 50-59, 60-65.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto SCH-4990004720
ID 29118


ExcellentValorado por
I've been riding for 10 years now, and I have never used a pinlock before. Most of that time I didn't even know what they were. This has completely changed how I ride and even sometimes when I ride. No more fog! (Escrito el 20/5/2021)

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