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Botas Gaerne G Dakar Gore-tex negro

Para los viajeros de dos ruedas que van a donde les lleve la aventura. Esta bota puede hacer frente fácilmente [ver más]
  • > Impermeable
  • > Calzado para motociclistas certificado - EN 13634:2010
  • > Gore-Tex

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Precio orignal: € 399,90

Precio: € 339,92

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* Campo obligatorio


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Para los viajeros de dos ruedas que van a donde les lleve la aventura. Esta bota puede hacer frente fácilmente a todas las condiciones climáticas y cualquier terreno. Esta excelencia Made in Italy tiene la parte superior en piel plena flor con membrana Gore-tex Performance impermeable y transpirable. El innovador sistema de pivote del tobillo Forma un vínculo flexible entre la parte superior de la bota y el área inferior del pie para mayor control y apoyo. Espinilleras de PU, gamuza para sujetar el marco, protector interior de pantorrilla, hebilla de aluminio y correa de velco para un ajuste personalizado. La suela con tacos ofrece un agarre superior en cualquier terreno.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto GA-2529-001
ID 27255
Color Black


Excellent Gaerne Quality ADV BootValorado por
Finally an alternative to the A* Toucan and Sidi Adventure from the all Italian and all leather Gaerne! True ankle hinge that looks like the Fastback's, and the same enduro sole as the Fastback Enduro. Lighter weight (about 3lbs, 7oz in size 48) then a big MX boot, super comfortable on the bike immediately. (Escrito el 27/4/2021)
Súper cómodas Valorado por
Consideró que son las mejores botas para trail porque combinan comodidad y seguridad, además, son muy robustas y protegen perfectamente todas las zonas del tobillo y a la vez son muy flexibles, permiten la dorsiflexión de tobillo lo que las hace especialmente cómodas y prácticas y, goretex. Gaerne, ha sabido adaptarse a los nuevos tiempos y está a la vanguardia en este sentido. (Escrito el 30/3/2021)
Very ComfortableValorado por
Was looking for the sweet spot between protection (ie MX boots) and something to walk around in. These boots with their articulated joint are what I was after. Much more protection than a typical road boot but something that would let me get off the bike and walk into the town or up the hill to the viewing platform. etc. I use them for long distance adventure touring. (Escrito el 16/7/2021)
Great boot!Valorado por
Overall the quality, fit and comfort are outstanding. They are definitely not an MX boot, but I would say that give 85+% of the protection of an MX boot with much greater comfort. I found the latches to be very robust and even with larger calves there was plenty of room. This was a big winner! (Escrito el 02/9/2021)
great bootValorado por
Nice boots from a peputable company that is known for their quality products. good protection and comfortable. can recommend this boot for adv travel. not full motocross protection but close. looks good too. (Escrito el 27/4/2022)
I had to get theseValorado por
Had some Gaerne Balance Oiled which i really liked; needed a bit more ankle protection so thought I'd try these. They look like they will do the job. My friend ordered some and we wear the same size 46, and I tried his on wow what a fit and support. They look to be a great quality build, true to size for me and very comfortable. I’ve had my Gaerne Balance for a couples years now but I was concerned about the lack of ankle support. Where my friend bought these they were sold out but, I was able to find them at Motostorm, so happy! Plus they were on sale, even better! (Escrito el 07/5/2022)
Fantastic ADV styled bootValorado por
Really happy with these boots overall. They offer a ton of protection for an adventure style boot, have kept my feet dry, and don't look too out of place when walking around town off the bike either. (Escrito el 14/9/2023)
WowValorado por
I bought these because I have the Gaerne road bicycling shoes which fit like they were made for my feet and they are tough. These motorcycle boots fit perfectly and look great. Typical Italian quality manufacturing. (Escrito el 17/10/2023)
Verry happyValorado por
I wear size 10 1/2 us and bought the 45 without ever trying this brand. They fit perfect, very comfortable with no break in. Let my brother try them on and he was amazed how good they felt. Nice boot, I would buy them again. They feel good on the bike and are smooth on the controls. (Escrito el 04/1/2024)
Great BootValorado por
The Gaerne Dakar is a very comfortable and good looking motorcycle boot. With a foot length of 28. 5cm, size 45 is perfect. The delivery from Motostorm was in Switzerland within a few days. I would only recommend it. (Escrito el 20/2/2024)
MUST HAVE!!!Valorado por
They are definitely outstanding boots. . I found the latches to be very robust and even with larger calves there was plenty of room. This was a big winner! Nice boots from a peputable company that is known for their quality products. good protection and comfortable. can recommend this boot for adv travel. This is highly recommended. True to its size and comfort. (Escrito el 21/5/2024)
Market comparisonValorado por
I did a LOT of research to get to this boot. I wanted: waterproof, some comfort, ankle protection, price under $400, In the end the best options are this one and the Sidi Adv 2. I like the design on this one better and the lower price, however, the Sidi's waterproof goes higher. (Escrito el 27/5/2024)

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