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Chaqueta Clover Dakar 2 Wp negro sand

Chaqueta touring ventilada 100% impermeable Adventure. EPI: Equipo de protección personal. Certificación CE: FprEN 17092-3: 2019. Certificación de categoría CE: Nivel "AA". Tejidos exteriores: [ver más]
  • > Impermeable
  • > Ventilado
  • > EPP - Ropa Certificada CE
  • > Protecciones EN1621-1 Liv 2

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Precio orignal: € 389,99

Precio: € 272,99

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Chaqueta touring ventilada 100% impermeable Adventure.
EPI: Equipo de protección personal.
Certificación CE: FprEN 17092-3: 2019.
Certificación de categoría CE: Nivel "AA".
Tejidos exteriores: "3-D MESH", "Duratek-4", Duratek-4 Ripstop ".
Tratamiento hidrófugo en tejidos exteriores.
Chaqueta interior desmontable impermeable "Aquazone" con concepto "In & Out".
Protectores de hombros y codos "CE" Nivel 2.
Aprobación de tipo "CE" EN1621-1: 2012.
Protectores BETAC "CBW-L2" Made in Italy.
Listo para el protector de espalda "CE" Nivel 1 nivel 2.
Elementos refractivos laminados refractivos en frondas, laterales y dorso.
Aplicaciones de alta visibilidad en la chaqueta impermeable interior exterior.
Brazos ajustables con ajustador de solapa.
Antebrazos ajustables con cinturón de ajuste.
Cintura ajustable con cinturón.
Puño ajustable mediante velcro.
Bajo de la chaqueta ajustable mediante velcro.
Paneles de ventilación delanteros y traseros totalmente desmontables.
Nr.4 bolsillos delanteros (2 de ellos 100% impermeables).
1 bolsillo trasero.
Nr.2 bolsillo lateral Napoleón en la carcasa.
Nr.1 bolsillo lateral Napoleon en chaqueta impermeable interior.
Cuello exterior de microfibra.
Conexión chaqueta-pantalón con ZIP.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto CLV-1735-NSA
ID 27868
Color Brown


cool fitValorado por
Premium quality, ideal for riding on a sunny winter day, with a reversible lining that fits snugly. . . If you want to travel in hot winter clothes or hoodies, you must order 1 size up, in my opinion. I'm a slim European L size and for me, a great match. Very pleased! (Escrito el 21/2/2021)
Clover jacketsValorado por
My friend both a clover jacket and pants off yer They are really well ventilated pants and jacket for the weather in Ireland and they are also waterproof both pants and jacket He also said the service was very good what he got from moto storm (Escrito el 02/6/2021)
Perfect touring jacket for meValorado por
Attractive design, very comfortable, good quality & fine material. Size M perfectly suit me. Am truly satisfied & happy with this jacket. Recommended & definitely will repeat order for other Clover jacket (Escrito el 16/6/2021)
CaldaValorado por
Tessuto pesante per climi freddi o invernali, usata mezza giornata con tempo nuvoloso e temperatura tra 22 e 25 e sono rientrato marcio di sudore nemmeno l'avessi fatta di corsa Non adatto ai nostri climi estivi (Escrito el 19/6/2021)
Giacca di riferimento della CloverValorado por
Ottima giacca del segmento Adv vestibilità comoda con colorazioni molto belle consiglio il paraschiena gli ottimi pantaloni ed i guanti in tinta della Clover da abbinare per avere un completo. . . Grazie Clover (Escrito el 04/1/2022)
primavera estateValorado por
Giacca molto versatile ; le ampie zone di areazione presenti su busto, schiena e braccia rendono questa giacca perfetta per il clima primavera estate: con il massimo dell'areazione la giacca resta sempre freschissima ed areata. Le regolazioni permettono di cucirsela addosso ed il paraschiena livello 2 (ovviamente consigliato) pur rendendo calda la parte poteriore offre una protezione dal coccige alla nuca, scapole comprese. Essendo giacca primaverile estiva consiglio colorazione chiara che, anche se più sporchevole, resta sempre più fresca della scura. consigliata. (Escrito el 04/2/2022)
TopValorado por
Ordinata e arrivata il giorno successivo. Servizio Top. Giacca molto bella, ottima vestibilità e confortevole. Moltissime aperture di aerazione regolabili. Possibilità di inserire il paraschiena che ovviamente consiglio. (Escrito el 10/2/2022)
I like the productValorado por
Attractive design, very comfortable, good quality & fine material. Size M perfectly suit me. Am truly satisfied & happy with this jacket. Recommended & definitely will repeat order for other Clover jacket (Escrito el 18/8/2022)
Great all-around versatile jacket!Valorado por
I've had this just over a year, and have found it to be well-made, comfortable - especially in the heat, and quite versatile for different weather/climates. I use mine primarily as hot weather riding gear for summer, so leave the chest panels off and vents open just about all the time. I added the optional back protector, which was worth the extra cost for the additional protection, in my opinion. The adjuster straps allow you to get a very solid fit, and keep the armor from shifting around. The one thing I wish they'd done on the jacket is add some way to hold the collar tab back when open. Either a snap or some velcro or something would do it. Other than that, though, it's a solid option - especially for the price! (Escrito el 06/9/2022)
Great qualityValorado por
The size fits perfectly, the quality is superior, I recommend it with the utmost confidence, I didn't manage to try it on the trail, but I bought it on the recommendation of a friend who uses it! Price is verry good! (Escrito el 18/12/2023)
Very comfortable and light jacketValorado por
The jacket is very nice, light and comfortable. You have elbow and sholder protection. Back protection not inclouded but you can buy it seperate. Very good for higher temperatures as well because it has big front and back ventilation. Also a plus to the jacket is that you can wear waterproof layer over the jacket. (Escrito el 29/12/2023)

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