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Dainese Guantes Corbin Air Unisex Negro

El Dainese Corbin Air es un guante de verano construido a partir de piel de cabra teñida de tambor, además [ver más]
  • > Ventilado
  • > CE En13594 Liv 2

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Precio orignal: € 105,95

Precio: € 74,17

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El Dainese Corbin Air es un guante de verano construido a partir de piel de cabra teñida de tambor, además de la protección de insertos de nudillos de poliuretano y de cuero perforado en la parte posterior de la mano.
Guantes certificados a CE-cat. II-PR-en 13594 nivel estándar 1.
Insertos en poliuretano en nudillos.
Palma reforzada.
Ergonomía y confort:
Piel de cabra teñida de tambor.
Cuero perforado en la parte posterior de la mano.
Insertos elásticos.
Dedos pre-curvados.
Correa de apriete.
Otras características:
Insertos blandos.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto DA1815903-001
ID 21024
Color Black


Very good summer gloveValorado por
These gloves are very comfortable to wear in the summer. The perforation allows some air to inter the hand to keep it cool. The leather is extremely soft and the overall feel of the glove is incredible (Escrito el 01/10/2018)
Great, comfortable glove for summerValorado por
I bought these gloves to replace a pair of RSDs. Very good quality and well constructed. The leather is very comfortable, soft, yet strong. Good protection for the knuckles. The perforations allow good ventilation for cooling during warmer weather. My pair fit true to the size chart, however, there is a little more room in the thumb than I would have liked. (Escrito el 11/4/2019)
High quality premium glovesValorado por
I got these after wearing out a pair of Dainese Mig gloves, having been very impressed. At first I was concerned they weren't that comfortable as there is no liner and the stitch seams in the leather were quite obvious on my skin, but once the leather softened up, they are now amazingly comfortable, even more so than the Mig gloves which had a lot more textile. I've worn these Corbin Air's daily for over a year now, and they still look good as new. The goat skin is super soft and gives great feel on the bike - I don't know how long they'll last, but if I get three years out of them I'll be more than happy. I love them! (Escrito el 11/7/2019)
ComfortableValorado por
Even though this pair of gloves doesn't work with touchscreen devices, they still worth the price. Leather is super comfortable. I use them in hot climate ( Florida ) and the ventilation scheme is perfect. (Escrito el 06/9/2019)
I had one years agoValorado por
Even though this pair of gloves doesn't work with touchscreen devices, they still worth the price. Leather is super comfortable. I use them in hot climate ( Florida ) and the ventilation scheme is perfect. (Escrito el 26/9/2019)
Personal use Valorado por
Even though this pair of gloves doesn't work with touchscreen devices, they still worth the price. Leather is super comfortable. I use them in hot climate ( Florida ) and the ventilation scheme is perfect. thank you (Escrito el 27/4/2020)
Best Summer Riding Gloves Valorado por
These have been by far the best Summer riding gloves I have had. My one niggle is that they don’t work with the touch screen of my phone very well. If I push really hard I can get them to kind of work but it would be really nice to have full touch screen compatibility. As actual gloves though, these work great. I wore these on a long trip from Arizona through Banff which covered quite a bit of temperature difference and these were super comfy even at 110 degree temps. At that hot of temperature your hands will sweat no matter what but the air flow is solid. Comfortable and well fitting. (Escrito el 15/6/2020)
Dainese Corbin Air Unisex Gloves BrownValorado por
夏用のメッシュパンチングですが、思ったほど涼しくはありません。 涼しさを求める場合は、やはりテキスタイルメッシュのほうが良いと思います。 使い始めて数日のため、手には馴染んでいませんが、比較的柔らかい皮なので、馴染むまでの時間は長くかからないと思います。 私の場合、手首のベルクロはあまり役に立っていません。 革製品特有の臭いはあります。仕方ないのですが、使用後は手に臭いが移ります。 グローブ内側の素材は肌触りが良いのですが、グローブ内側の手首部分にある製品タグが大きくて固い素材の為、手首に当たって不快ですし、長時間の運転では擦れて痛くなりましたので、ハサミでカットして解決しました。 (Escrito el 22/8/2020)
Great GloveValorado por
Great glove for warmer weather. Ventilated tops keep your hands cool. Super soft leather that feels custom fit to your hands. The extra material on the palms is well placed and not bulky. The leather-covered knuckle armor is way better than the raw plastic alternatives. (Escrito el 05/12/2024)

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