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Kappa Ks603 Hand Protectors

Hand protectors in rain resistant nylon with an internal lining that keeps the fingers warm in all conditions. The use [ver más]
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Precio orignal: € 45,50

Precio: € 36,40


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Hand protectors in rain resistant nylon with an internal lining that keeps the fingers warm in all conditions. The use is universal as the KS603 pair adapts to every type of handle-bar and rear-view mirror. The structure is rather rigid for easier and quicker accessibility of the hands.

Màs Información

Codigo Producto KS603
ID 1618


Great weather protection ant a budget priceValorado por
I bought two sets of thes, one for my Vstrom 650 and one for my wife's Vespa, to deal with the sub zero degree Celsius winter mornings. As the are a generic fit they will require minor modifications to fit my Vstrom but the payoff of finally not having freezing hands every day. (Escrito el 22/7/2017)

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