


€ 614,00
  • EU圏外の税抜き金額 € 503,28

* 必須項目







DJIミニ2は初心者に優しく、強力で、まあ、ミニです。印象的なパフォーマンス、クレイジー画質、クリエイティブな動画は、ほんの数タップです。人生を完全にあなたの瞬間を捉え、新しい視点を探ってください。一生に一度しか見る場所が多いです。DJI Mini 2を持って、ユニークな視点を得て、旅を最大限に活用しましょう。しかし、DJIミニ2はどのくらい光ですか?249g未満では、リンゴと同じくらいの重さで、手のひらに完璧にフィットします。快適でコンパクトなMini 2は、あなたの最高の思い出にキャプチャするものを変換し、あなたの理想的な旅行仲間です。ポータブルフレームに囲まれた直感的で高度な機能のおかげで、DJI Mini 2はどこでも、あなたが作成したい任意の方法で完全な自由を保証します。あなたがさびれたビーチや楽しい家族の再会の詳細を撮影しているかどうか、ミニ2は常にそれに応えます。それは小さく見えるかもしれませんが、このドローンは大量の電力を隠しています。最大31分のバッテリ寿命で、DJI Mini 2は完璧なショットを作成するのに十分なパワー以上を提供します。ミニ2はレベル5の風に耐え、4,000メートルの最高高度から離陸することができ、風の強い海岸の上空を飛行しているか、アルプスの森の上を飛んでいるかどうかにかかわらず、あなたのショットは常に安定しています。Mini 2は、最大10km離れたHDビデオ伝送をサポートし、優れた干渉防止機能を備えており、さらに飛行して、より明確に見ることができます。素晴らしい映像を通してあなたの最高の瞬間を追体験。4Kカメラによる3軸安定化。それはあなたの思い出に直接再生ボタンを押すようなものです。空の12MPカメラは印象的なコンテンツを保証します。4K /30fpsのビデオおよび3軸モーター式安定に加えて、Mini 2はあなたの操縦がどんなに冒険的であろうと見事で鮮やかな質のイメージを保障する。完璧なショットに近づきすぎない。4倍のデジタルズームにより、さまざまな距離や構図でショットを移行する方が安全で便利です。インスタントプロの航空写真。数回タップするだけで、DJI Mini 2は自動的にプロレベルのビデオを記録してソーシャルメディア上で直接共有します。初心者でも経験豊富なパイロットでも、DJI Flyアプリは、サウンドトラックやフィルタを完備した印象的な結果を達成するのに役立ちます。ドローン、スパイラル、ライズ、サークル、ブーメラン。 あなたのビューがいかに壮大であるかを披露します。広角、180°と球面パノラマとDJI Mini 2の間で選択すると、ほぼ瞬時にパノラマの傑作を生成し、残りの世話をします。なぜあなたの最高の写真を共有するのを待ちますか?DJIフライアプリは、写真のための統合されたインテリジェントな最適化によって特徴付けられています。 アプリは、より鮮やかな色と見事な詳細が得られる、写真をダウンロードした後、自動的に画像の品質を向上させます。雲の中であなたの創造性を簡素化し、あなたの指先で信じられないほどのショットを取得します。DJI Mini 2は、ユーザーエクスペリエンスとスマートな機能をインテリジェントに最適化します。スマートリターン、自動離陸、静止飛行機能により、飛行操作は簡素化され、これまで以上に安全です。空があなたの遊び場である場合、可能性は無限大である。どこに飛ぶか分かりませんか?離陸する適切な場所について考えることは、もはや頭痛の種ではありません。DJIフライアプリで事前に旅程を計画し、あなたは別の航空写真愛好家に遭遇する可能性があります。直接ダウンロードとインスタント編集。それは簡単です。Mini 2がスマートフォンの近くにある場合、DJI Flyアプリは、選択した写真やビデオを20MB / 秒に同期して、航空機を認識して接続します。この新機能を使用すると、簡単にMODやダウンロードにあなたの映画のセグメントをトリミングすることができます。あなたのお気に入りのショットを探したり、不十分な記憶を心配することは、今の過去のものです。DJI Flyアプリの直感的なエディタには、さまざまなクリエイティブテンプレートが含まれています。飛行、撮影、モジュリング、共有は、ほぼ瞬時に行うことができるアクションであり、外出先で作成して共有することができます。●DJIミニ2はパワフルなパフォーマンスと分のボディを兼ね備えています。ミニ2は、レベルの上を探している初心者やコンテンツクリエイターのための理想的な選択肢です。ARのサイズは実際の製品と異なる場合があります。任意の360°円形のパエリアンの機会のための最適なオプション。追加の飛行安全のためにあなたのミニのプロペラを保護します。屋内飛行や多数の障害物のある場所に適しています。双方向充電ステーション。この便利なアクセサリーは3つの電池を握り、連続してそれらを充電できる。また、コントローラ、スマートフォン、その他のデバイスを充電するためのモバイル充電ソースとしても使用できます。ジミニバッグ。マヴィックミニ、ミニ2と余分なアクセサリーを囲むことができる、この毎日のバッグは、異なる色で利用可能です。充電ベース。この独創的な充電ディスプレイケースとあなたのミニ2を保存するために使用することができ、あなたがスタイルであなたのドローンを披露することができます。DIYクリエイティブキット:クリエイティブキットはDIYステッカーとマーカーで構成されており、ミニ2に独自の署名を入れることができます。スナップアダプター:互換性と楽しいアクセサリーを異なるミニ2をカスタマイズします。



Product Code ADJMN02
ID 26993
Color White


best mini droneReview by
best mini drone for beginers price and quality top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thanks(Posted on 09/05/2021)
BrilliantReview by
Recommended, best option in 2021 Perfect drone for both beginners and pros. The extra batteries in the fly more kit is recommended to have while buying this drone. Less restrictions while drone weight is less then 250 grams(Posted on 05/05/2021)
The best drone out thereReview by
This drone is great for beginners and is a great way into the DJI brand. The Mavic Mini 2 offers all round quality with its 4k camera and great looks. It has image stablisation and 3 batteries to allow you to make great videos(Posted on 17/04/2021)
Mavic mini 2Review by
the best drone for that money. is much better than its predecessor. has better range flights. 4k video is one of the best. has many new features. I suggest you buy it without a second thought you will not regret it for sure.(Posted on 26/11/2020)
sub 250gm drone with 4k is essential for regulatory easeReview by
sub 250gm drone with 4k is essential for regulatory ease it has most essentials from the maverick. i luv it . . . only wish that they could have squeezed in obstacle avoidance. . . then it would be perfect!(Posted on 27/01/2021)
Best bang for your buck.Review by
Perfect drone for both beginners and pros. The extra batteries in the fly more kit makes for more than enough time to satisfy your craving to fly. Luv the no need to register size of the mini. Saves you the hassle.(Posted on 27/01/2021)
Best Beginner DroneReview by
Buy a drone any cheaper than this and it will have too many drawbacks. This is the real entry level beginners drone. It has great video quality is is exceptionally easy to control with fast response time. It is only operational in winds up to 28 km/h but this to be expected for a drone of its size. Overall an amazing gadget with many applications for the intelligent user.(Posted on 07/03/2021)
Better than Mini 1Review by
DJI Mini 2 has updated the camera to 4K, added Raw imaging, and ever so slightly upped flight time per charge. For €50 more than the first version, the DJI Mini 2 is a better entry-level drone. If you're just getting started, and don't want to spend closer to €1,000 on a drone and accessories, the Mini 2 is absolutely worth considering.(Posted on 07/03/2021)
DJI DominatesReview by
In tthe Mini 1, DJI took an excellent initial concept for a beginner-level drone, listened to feedback from the community, and made some significant improvements in the Mini 2. Despite some minor issues, the Mini 2 is a versatile little machine that is easy and convenient to transport and packs a number of sophisticated features into a small package. Mavic Mini owners will definitely want to upgrade and for those first-time buyers, the extra €100 you'll spend is well worth it.(Posted on 07/03/2021)
Best buyReview by
Better than mavic mini 1 got this as a beginners and love this bother law has the old one and is now thanking of upgrading class. . fantastic straight out from the box and flying time is much better then the old one(Posted on 13/07/2021)
Best starter drone on the marhetReview by
For a DJI drone at this price point with 4k video, raw imaging and a 10km flight distance it cannot be beaten for an entry level drone. Make sure to get the fly more combo so that you have extra batteries and case.(Posted on 15/07/2021)
Better than Mini 1Review by
Better than mavic mini 1 got this as a beginners and love this bother law has the old one and is now thanking of upgrading class. . fantastic straight out from the box and flying time is much better then the old one(Posted on 18/07/2021)
Great drone Review by
Have been doing lots of research on different drones and this is by far the best out there for the money! Go straight to the one dont go for anything else, worth the upgrade from the first mini. . . . . . .(Posted on 21/08/2021)
Awesome ????????????Review by
So happy with my mini 2, much better than the mavic mini 1. I recommend the combo pack, having extra batteries is awesome and the bag you get is Brill too. 👍😊👍. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Posted on 22/08/2021)
Great drone Review by
Excellent drone for beginners and at a good price this is highly recommended and comes with all the extra kit that you'll need.(Posted on 26/08/2021)
Less reg hassleReview by
If you want to fly a drone without the hassle of having to take exams this is the one. Because of it's low weight, it is exempt from the majority of rules that higher weight drones / operators have to follow. Despite the low weight it is very stable, has a fantastic range and is easy to fly .(Posted on 10/09/2021)
Easy for beginnersReview by
This drone is the best light weight drone on the market. Made by DJI who are renowned for quality products. It has a fantastic range and is easy to fly , obstacle avoidance would of been even better but would of increased weight over 250g. No need to jump through hoops to fly this drone anywhere as no additional tests are required.(Posted on 10/09/2021)
Amazing for new learner Review by
Great product for a new starter got one of these for a for my cousin great item. I’m now looking to buy my second one for husband birthday. I’ve had amazing feed back from cousin who has taken some amazing pictures up in the mountains. However need to be careful when there is high wind. Great for beginners.(Posted on 20/10/2021)
Amazing product Review by
My cousin got this as he is a first time user and can not get enough of it. He took it on holiday to the mountains and captured amazing pictures and videos. You do have to be careful not to use in high wind. I am now getting one for my husband.(Posted on 20/10/2021)
A great piece of kitReview by
I'm an owner of previous DJI drones and this is keeping with their usual high quality products. Admittingly the Mini 1 was a slight downgrade in terms of build quality but the DJI Mini 2 improves upon this by having a more sturdy and solid build quality to it. The 4K camera is also what you would expect from a DJI product that produces great pictures and videos. The drone doesn't have any onboard storage so you will need an microSD card to save any footage, I have too many of these cards so this wasn't an issue for me. The drone actually weighs less than 249 grams which gives you wiggle room for other accessories before going over into the 250g space. The Mini 2 is a brilliant little drone given it's size and weight, it's incredibly stable in the air (something DJI do extremely well), though with how light it is you are a little bit more restricted in what weather conditions you can fly it in.(Posted on 05/12/2021)
Fantastic kitReview by
What a joy to carry . . without any pilot license . . Brings out fantastic pictures . . the pictures are so clear and the video is much better than anything else . . must have for travel . . and will bring back memories of your trips(Posted on 31/01/2022)
EvReview by
I'm an owner of previous DJI drones and this is keeping with their usual high quality products. Admittingly the Mini 1 was a slight downgrade in terms of build quality but the DJI Mini 2 improves upon this by having a more sturdy and solid build quality to it. The 4K camera is also what you would expect from a DJI product that produces great pictures and videos. The drone doesn't have any onboard storage so you will need an microSD card to save any footage, I have too many of these cards so this wasn't an issue for me. The drone actually weighs less than 249 grams which gives you wiggle room for other accessories before going over into the 250g space. The Mini 2 is a brilliant little drone given it's size and weight, it's incredibly stable in the air (something DJI do extremely well), though with how light it is you are a little bit more restricted in what weather conditions you can fly it in.(Posted on 26/02/2022)
SickReview by
Pritty snazzy. Bippity boopity boop shoe opp wah tabba dapp dapptext length dose not satisfied text range lick my bung ole no one's reading this Walla Walla Bing bang this is not a essay bra 987654321(Posted on 22/04/2022)
Perfect droneReview by
This drone is awesome. Amazing 4K resolution and perfect for scenic shots. The DJ Mavik 2 is hands down the best starter drone you can get…simply amazing to handle and intuitive controls! If you need a drone, this is the one ☝🏽(Posted on 08/05/2022)
Cool drone Review by
I love it and so easy to control, good customer service , i didn’t go far yet but I’m excited to do it . Motosrom shop is best as have good customer service and respectful , I’m sure I will back to them again(Posted on 15/05/2022)
Espectacular ServicioReview by
Productos de calidad y servicio al cliente genial. Llevaba tiempo buscando el dji mini 2 y por fin lo tengo. Suerte que encontre esta empresa. Dedicada al mundo del motor, que vende a precios ajustados para el disfrute de todos(Posted on 11/10/2022)
Awesome ExperienceReview by
love it and so easy to control, good customer service , i didn’t go far yet but I’m excited to do it . Motostorm shop is best as have good customer service and respectful , I’m sure I will back to them again(Posted on 27/12/2022)
Good productReview by
this the best drone to buy in 22 and 23 cuz cheap and best as in india it cost 65k so i am buying this product from this website and i would like to suggest this product for vloggers and travelers(Posted on 26/01/2023)


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